Temajo Island has been a quite well-known travel destination for traveler from Pontianak and other areas of West Kalimantan for quite some time now. But in recent years, its popularity has increased even more with the existence of a family-friendly resort. The Temajo Bay Resort proudly brought to you by PT Sungai Kunyit Jaya, is a resort which covers an area of about 10 hectares. It boasts facilities such as 5x9 m villas with ensuite bathrooms. These villas are equipped with 1 king-size bed and 4 single beds, sufficient to accommodate 6 to 8 people. A ceiling fan is installed in the villa in case you feel that the weather is too hot to bear, which in my personal experience, is hardly the case. Other accommodation options are smaller rooms for 3 people and camping tents. The package comes with a full meal offer and BBQ option.
The following is a chronicle of my recent visit to the beautiful island resort.
Day 1
We departed from Pontianak around 7.30 AM and arrived at the Sungai Kunyit docks about 9.30 AM. Parking is available on-site, Rp. 20.000 for car and Rp. 10.000 for motorcycle. The friendly staffs, Mr. Habibie and Mrs. Rima were already waiting when we got there. They helped to bring our belongings to the boat, which was just a short walk away. There were 8 other visitors that day, one of them was a foreigner. If you’re concern about safety, no worries. As precautions, life vests are available on the boat. The boat trip took about 45 minutes. We were blessed with good weather that day, so the trip to reach the island was a breeze.
It was quite exciting when I finally spotted the white beach umbrella from afar. The white sandy beach, in contrast with the green trees, was such a sight. Pristine. Simply the best beach I’ve seen in West Kalimantan so far.
Upon arrival, we checked in the villa to rest for a bit. And before you know it, it’s lunch time! We couldn’t have enough of the tasty fried rice. The island vibes might have something to do with it, but I can assure you, the cook definitely knows what he’s doing. After lunch, you can just sit back and relax, enjoy the beautiful view and the island breeze. It’s high time to practice the Italian philosophy “Dolce Far Niente” you have read or heard about! The art of pleasant relaxation in carefree idleness. Yes, you can actually enjoy life without doing anything! If you’ve been busy in your daily life, now is the time to hit that pause button, take a deep breath and simply BE. After all, we are human being, not human doing. Study shows that not a single person wishes for an extra hour at work in their death bed. Instead, they wish for more time to spend with their family and loved ones.

But after all is said and done, what if you still fancy some activities? You can read a book (you may disagree, but reading is an activity). There are some good books to choose from in the dining area. I’m not sure if there is any English written materials, so if that’s your thing, bring your own. Ok, I swear that by now I can almost hear some of you screaming: “Reading activity on an island getaway?? Are you nuts??” Hey, different strokes for different folks. If reading is out of the question for you, you can go biking, canoeing, snorkeling, play beach volleyball and even shoot some hoops! Practice your basketball shooting skill in an area by the beach, what more can an NBA fan ask for? La dolce vita. The sweet life...
Next, come sunset! My favorite time of the day. The moment I’ve been waiting for since I first set foot on the beach. The sun was shining bright at around 5 PM and it looked promising. But alas, as it grew darker, it wasn’t as dramatic as I expected. It was still quite a beautiful view though.

Now dinner was quite an experience. The staffs prepared everything well. Fish, chicken, and some veggies were served. The green chili sauce was anything but ordinary. But then again, having your dinner in a resort area by the beach, in a seemingly secluded, exotic island, is nothing ordinary! Thanks to Temajo Bay Resort, you can feel how it’s like to have a private island without actually owning one. Much obliged, Tbay Resort! After dinner, we spent the next couple of hours chatting over coffee before retiring to bed.
Day 2
I set my alarm for 5 AM to anticipate the next best thing on my list, the sunrise. Unfortunately, it was a foggy morning. No sunrise treat, ladies and gentlemen. But the somewhat disappointment was compensated moments later when they served breakfast. The turmeric porridge, paired with fried anchovies and groundnuts was delicious. Add in the sweet soy and chili sauce, and it’s simply the best Indonesian traditional breakfast to kick-start the day.
The place was filled with more people on the second day with day trip visitors dropping by to enjoy a less crowded beach. Temajo Bay Resort definitely provide a good alternative to other beaches near the Singkawang area which are often packed with visitors during the weekend.
I spent the next few hours reading, taking pictures, people watching and relaxing. The soothing island breeze was a true delight. During this vegetating period, I noticed how funny it was when a group of locals talking among themselves about approaching the foreigner for a selfie, or a wefie, whatever you call it. They were being timid about it. The cause of their hesitancy? Language barrier. Classic. So if you’re a foreigner reading this, if you happen to be visiting Indonesia, you’ll do a great service to humanity in this part of the world when you grant a selfie request. I’m only half-joking. So even though you might not fully understand what the locals are saying when they ask to have a picture with you, I bet you can figure it out from their gestures.
The return trip to Sungai Kunyit was scheduled at around 1 to 3 PM. But before that, as you’ve probably guessed, lunch! The menu was cooked and fresh veggies, chicken and potato cooked with soy sauce, and sambal (Indonesian chili sauce). Once again, the cook didn’t fail us. It was a pleasant meal. After that, we still had time for a rejuvenating “fresh from the oven” coconut water drink. At around 3 PM, the pick-up boat arrived and we’re set for home.

Staying in the Bravo Villa with my family, the 2 day 1 night getaway was truly enjoyable. The villa was clean and comfy. And the clean ensuite bathroom is a luxury which is not available for the smaller rooms. No mosquitos problem during the day, only a slight nuisance at night time. Not the sleep-disturbing kind, so no problemo. I would definitely recommend this place. For more details about this exquisite resort, please check out their Instagram page @temajobayresort. It’s your turn for a great island resort experience!

Writer & Photographer
Sutanto Wijaya
Mobile : +6285346336556 (WA)
Email : sutanto.wijaya@gmail.com
Instagram : @shutterbeau